key responsibilities:
1. 根据业务需求,支持并协调销售、市场和支持部门的员工招聘、入离职、培训协调、绩效管理等工作。
understand business requirement, provide professional hr solutions on ta, onboarding/off boarding, training, performance management…etc.
2. 熟悉组织架构和人员编制情况,同业务部门沟通人员招聘和内部变动需求并支持相关流程(线上、线下)的开展,更新组织架构和报告。
understand structure and headcount status to help leaders to drive continues improvement for organization efficiency and talent management.
3. 同业务部门保持良好的协作关系,确保公司层面的项目在各部门的顺利实施,例如员工敬业度调查、年度绩效评估等。
maintain good relationship with business functions, make sure company projects implemented fluently within functions, such as engagement survey, hris …etc.
4. 其他由人力资源经理安排的相关工作。
other projects related arranged by hr manager.
education / experience:
1. 本科及以上学历,至少3年以上hr相关领域工作经验。
bachelor degree and above, at least 3 years hr working experiences.
2. 积极互动,优秀的沟通协调能力和洞察力。
proactive, good communication and coordination skill, good hr insight.
3. 能够熟练使用办公软件,良好的数据分析和整合能力。
skilled at microsoft, good data analysis and integration skill.