寄宿导师 7000-8000元
杭州萧山区 应届毕业生 本科
杭州市萧山区威雅实验学校 2025-03-11 07:46:45 746人关注
The boarding house at Wycombe Abbey School Hangzhou provides a stable, comfortable and above all secure environment in which pupils are given sufficient independence to develop self-reliance through carefully managed support and firm but fair guidance. The boarding house is the second home for the students. The parents trust in the team to ensure their children are safe, content, and happy. 杭州威雅实验学校的寄宿学院为学生们提供稳定、舒适、最重要的是安全的生活环境。通过寄宿团队的专业而精心的教育和坚定而公平的指导,学生们可以获得足够的个人成长空间,从而培养了学生的独立自主能力。寄宿学院是学生们的第二个家。学生父母信任寄宿团队能够满足学生的安全感、满足感和内心的快乐。 Under the management of the boarding master/mistress for the student residence, the boarding tutor is responsible to ensure the smooth running of the domestic matters relating to the boarding residence. 在寄宿学院院长的引领下,学院导师负责确保与寄宿学院相关的学生、学院的事务顺利进行。 Overview of Responsibilities 责任概述 · Supporting the housemaster/mistress regarding house rules, regulations and routines. 在学院规定、规章制度和日常事务中为学院院长提供工作上的支持。 · Adhere to the supervision duty rota; during which time the house parent will provide active supervision the pupils in activities such as prep, sports, free time, morning wake up and bedtimes. 认真完成对学生的监督职责;在此期间,学院导师将认真监督学生的各项活动,如晚自习、体育运动、晚间休息时间、早起时间和就寝时间。 -To make sustained and effective contributions towards the improvement of school atmosphere, pastoral well-being and pupil outcomes in the House 在学院为改善学校氛围、学生福祉和学生教育成果作出持续和有效的贡献。 -To lead the induction of new pupils into the House 为新生融入校园及寄宿学院起到引领支持的作用 · Keep accurate house registers and records. 保持准确的寄宿学院信息,包括学生信息、房间信息、学生事件的更新和记录。 · Encourage all to be always security conscious and alert, ensuring that no one enters the residence without prior appointment or permission and that all pupils and visitors sign in and out. 鼓励所有学生始终保持安全意识和警惕意识,确保没有非本学院人员未经事先预约或许可进入学院,并确保所有学院中的学生和到访学院的访客都进行了签到和签退。 -To maintain the highest standards of dress, care, attitude, and motivation in the House -保持学院最高水准的着装、关怀、态度和积极性 -To ensure the provision of facilities that are comfortable and suited to the needs of boarders -确保提供舒适及适合寄宿生需要的设施 -To provide a range of activities and opportunities that will assist in the personal, social and cultural development of each boarder -提供一系列的活动和机会,帮助每一位寄宿学生的个人、寄宿学院整体和寄宿文化发展 Monitor the holistic development of pupils, celebrate their success and act on any concerns 监督学生的全面发展,庆祝学生的成功与庆祝,并对任何需要特殊关注内容采取行动 · Ensure that safeguarding procedures are always adhered to 工作过程中确保始终遵守校园安全保障工作的规章流程 - Attend meetings to discuss matters relating to pupils in boarding -参加会议讨论有关寄宿学生的事宜 - Attend further committees as required -根据工作需要参加其他工作会议 - Support the Marketing Department in the celebration and promotion of House successes and initiatives -支持学校市场部门来庆祝和推动寄宿的成功 - Ensure the house is fully staffed and pupils are always supervised - 确保工作时间段有充足的工作人员,学生时刻处于老师监督的状态下 - Manage the pupil parcel policy and actively open and check any parcels that have been authorized for pupils. 在工作中遵守学生快递管理政策,必须打开检查每一个学生的快递,学生的快递包裹应为已获学院授权的包裹。 · Manage the lost property system and attempt to reunite any lost items with their owners. 管理学院中的失物招领并努力帮助学生找到丢失的物品,同时努力为失物招领处的物品寻找它们的主人。 · Liaise with operations to ensure tidiness and cleanness of the boarding areas. 与运营部门保持合作,确保寄宿学院的整洁。 · Promote good manners and courtesy from students 鼓励学生提升礼仪修养,待人礼貌 · Liaise with teachers and nurses when the children are ill, need rest, need to be excused from P.E., swimming, and sports. 当学生生病、需要休息,无法参加体育运动、游泳时,与学生的任课老师和护士站老师保持沟通,信息同步。 · Attend to students’ minor ailments at any time necessary. 如有必要情况,随时照顾学生的身体情况。 · Liaise with the nurses about the children’s 与护士就孩子的健康状况进行沟通 · Co-operate with the teacher, school nurse and other staff about health or other matters, such as allergies and medicines etc. 与教师、学校护士和校内其他工作人员就学生的健康或其他问题进行合作,如特殊过敏源和处方药物等。 · Overall control of tidiness and cleanliness, checking all rooms 对学院所有房间的整洁程度有全面意识,检查所有学生的房间 · Instruct the boarding students in the use of laundry facilities, ensuring the rules are understood and checking the system is functioning normally. 指导学生使用学院提供的洗衣袋,检查学生是否按时送洗衣物并确保学生了解关于送洗衣物的相关规定。 · Regularly check the bedrooms and facilities in the boarding area to ensure they are fit for purpose. 定期检查寄宿区域的卧室和学院设施,确保它们适合学生使用。 · Undertaking additional tasks as agreed with line manager. 接受与上级沟通后,达成一致意见的,责任概述之外的工作内容。 · Keeping up to date with professional developments and attending relevant training 及时了解专业发展并参加相关培训 Working conditions 工作要求 · Works 6 days a week and can take 1 day off per week. Flexible daily hours. 每周工作6天,每周可休息1天。每日工作时间根据排班要求。 · Be available on the mobile telephone while on duty. 工作时间确保接听值班电话。 · In the non-academic staff category but is not required to work during the whole school holidays. 属于非学术职工,但不要求在整个学校假期期间工作。 · Free housing and catering (breakfast, lunch and dinner) provided by school at boarding area. 学校提供免费住宿和餐饮(早餐、午餐和晚餐)。 · Free use of the school sporting and recreational facilities during designated hours. 在学校规定教师使用时间段内免费使用学校体育和娱乐设施。 Candidate Requirement


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