1. 负责教授初高中相关课程,双语教学尤佳
Responsible for teaching junior/senior high school relative subject to students, better to use bilingual.
2. 能够结合中西课程,确保课程能够***程度激发学生学习意愿
Have ability to combine Chinese curriculum and international curriculum; Ensuring the curriculum is implemented in a way that maximizes student learning;
3. 按照安排对学生执行监督工作
Execute student supervision duties as arranged;
4. 参与学校活动、项目、家长面谈、职业发展会议等
Participate in school activities, events, teacher-parents conversations, professional development meetings, etc. ;
5. 负责放学后或课间活动
Be in charge of after-school or in-school activities;
6. 完成学校布置的其它任务
Other duties assigned by the school.