Position Summary
Process planning, launch and optimize
Main Accountabilities
? 负责新产品试制过程中的生产技术准备,如工艺装备设计,模具外发加工以及调试。对新产品满足工艺要求,安全使用负责
? Preparation of production technique during trial-produce of new product such as process equipment design, mould working and test. Be responsible for satisfactory of process acquirement and safety.
? 负责制造过程的工艺调试,管理
? Be in charge of process test, management and improvement in the process of production.
? 负责生产过程中质量问题的改进
? Be in charge of Improvement of quality problem during production.
? 负责操作工艺的技术培训和指导
? Be in charge of technical training and guide for operating process.
? 参加生产规划的编制
? Preparation of production plan.
? 对生产过程中出现的工艺技术问题处理不及时,造成的损失负责
? Be responsibility for loss caused by not timely disposal for process technique problem during production
? 对所设备的工艺设备正确性负责
? Be responsibility for correctness of process equipment designed.
? 完成上级布置的其它合理任务
? Fulfill other necessary tasks which are planned by supervisor.
? 掌握环境健康安全应急知识,具备识别风险的能力,正确穿戴个人劳防用品,正确使用现场的安全设施,做好垃圾分类,节能。
? 有权对操作者进行工艺记录的检查
? Have the right to check process discipline of operators.
? 有权对工艺进行改进
? Have the right to improve process.
? 根据本人负责的生产工艺需求,有权提出设备、工装、模具及量具的采购制造计划
? According to need of production process, have the right to put forward purchasing plan of equipment, tooling, mould and measuring tool.
Key Performance Indicators/Key Result Areas