weiguo solutions founded in 2007 translates to mandarin, 威国, and means to “shake the nation”. located in zhuhai in the guangdong province of china, we have always been dedicated to our mission - design, development and distribution of high-quality products for the outdoor and travel industry. we have a proven record of experience in plastics, silicone, metal fabrication, electronics, led lighting and textiles, and this is something we are proud to be recognised for. some of our customers include hydro flask, nathan sports, silipint, drink tanks, eno, adidas, and goal zero.
威国成立于2007年, 我们位于中国广东省珠海,一直致力于我们的使命 - 为户外和旅游业设计,开发和分销高品质的产品。 我们在塑料,硅胶,金属制造,电子产品,led照明和纺织品方面拥有丰富的经验,我们很自豪能够认可这一点。 我们的一些客户包括hydro flask,nathan sports,silipint,drink tanks,eno,adidas和goal zero。
the services we provide can start with the concept of a new product and go to the distribution and marketability over to the quality control and quality assurance. below are detailed examples of the services we provide
我们提供的服务可以从新产品的概念开始,并将分销和可销售性转化为质量控制和质量保证。 以下是我们提供的服务的详细示例:
1) design设计
due to the diverse and unique set up, weiguo has been able to integrate product design for manufacturing and marketability. besides, a combination of local designers and western engineers allows our products to appeal to the global perspective on innovation in ensuring the latest technology and trends are incorporated
由于多样化和独特的设置,威国开发的产品已经占有一定的市场。 此外,本地设计师和西方工程师的结合使我们的产品足够创新,吸引全球,确保融入最新的技术和趋势.
2) development开发
we facilitate, identify and communicate the gaps between needs an