

在招职位: 安捷伦、赛默飞光谱/色谱仪实验员, 环境报告编制工程师, 客户经理, 行政商务专员, 土壤修复工程师, 采样技术员, 环保在线监测运维工程师, 市场部专员, 大客户代表, 诚聘仪表工 月入9000(包吃包住), 等10个岗位
已收藏 5843人关注
收藏公司 5843人关注
在全球气候变化影响日益加剧的今天,发展低碳经济、控制温室气体排放成为全人类的共识和责任。中国在为全球经济发展做出重要贡献的同时,坚持把保护环境作为基本国策,积极推进资源节约和节能减排,做出了庄严的自主减排承诺。陕西耕禾节能环保技术有限公司(下称Gengho)作为一家专业从事节能减排、环境保护的科技服务型机构,公司始终专注于节能环保领域,构建起以节能、环保、检测、新能源开发为主业板块,以节能环保综合服务为强力支撑的“4+1”产业格局。目前拥有2家子公司和6个分支机构,在节能环保领域具有一定的号召力、带动力和影响力。 Gengho自创立以來,即坚持『专业、高效、负责』的经营理念,专注于科研开发、工程建设、运营管理和环保设施投融资,拥有多项节能环保技术成果,具有科研、设计、设备制造、成套设备供货、施工安装、调试验收、系统运营以及工程总承包于一体的综合实力和资质,拥有一支有着丰富工程实践经验的专业化技术队伍。专业和务实的经营,造就了公司雄厚的技术实力,公司目前拥有教授级高工5人,高级工程师29人,博士7人,工程师数十人,公司员工有60%是从事节能环保领域10年以上的资深人士。 Gengho工程部致力于噪声治理、废气治理、VOCs治理、工业废水处理、城市污水处理和污泥处理等工程以及相关课题的实施与研究工作,可根据项目现状制定适宜的水、气、声治理设计方案,研制相应的环境治理设备,并负责完成施工。 Gengho自主研发制造水、气环境在线自动监测仪器,并提供环境自动监测水站、气站全年365天24小时运维服务。目前在线检测研发团队已经达到国际先进水平,在供应链管理过程中,环境在线检测仪器所有部件均为全球采购,关键部件由欧美制造商定制。随着国家对易挥发性气体有机物污染的重视,公司自主研发制造的挥发性有机气体在线检测系统VOC6s-9000投入市场以来,市场季度增长率高达90%以上,受到环保部门及国内外众多知名客户的高度赞誉。 Gengho获得CNAS国家计量资格认定,依法获准使用“CMC”和“CMA”徽标,出具的报告具有法律效力,并拥有制造计量器具资格。可专业有效的开展环境质量监测,污染源监测,研究性监测,环境应急监测等工作。检验检测能力涵盖环境空气和废气、水和废水、工作场所、土壤和沉积物、固体废物、辐射环境、噪声和振动、公共场所卫生等600多个项目。可提供建设项目环保验收监测、环境影响评价及监测、职业卫生检测与评价服务、公共场所卫生检测、ISO环境管理认证检测、产地环境认证检测、上市企业环保核查监测、辐射防护与监测等服务。 Gengho业务涉及石油化工、冶金、电子、轻工、市政、电力、交通、国防等各行业,业绩遍及全国各大、中城市,并已接触俄罗斯、缅甸、孟加拉国等海外环保治理项目,同时关注越南、印度、泰国、斯里兰卡等国际环保市场,长期与美国、德国、瑞典、以色列、意大利等国外知名环环保机构紧密合作。 我们欢迎全球节能环保领域的机构或个人与Gengho联系,将先进的节能环保技术和产品通过Gengho在中国区得到推广和应用。 山不辞细土,故能成其高;水不辞细流,故能成其深。我们真诚地希望与各界同仁一起,耕耘节能思想,播种环保情怀,共同建造一个绿色的和谐家园! In recent years, theadverse impact of global climatechange is becoming increasingly intensified.It has become consensus and shared responsibility for all mankind to developlow-carbon economy and control greenhouse gas emission. While making an important contribution toglobal economic development, China adheres to the basic state policy of environmental protection, actively promoting resourcesaving, energy conservation and emission reduction. China has made a solemn commitmentof voluntary emission reduction. Shaanxi Gengho EnergyConservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (hereafterreferred to as “Gengho”) is a technology and service firm specialized in energy saving andgreenhouse gas emission reduction. Gengho focuses on energyconservation and environmental protection fields, constructing such a “4+1”industrial structure which integrates the main business concentrating on energyconservation, environmental protection, testing and new energy development,with strong support from Gengho’s comprehensive service on energy conservationand environmental protection. So far Gengho has two subsidiaries and sixbranches, having a good influence and appeal in the energy andenvironmental sectors. Ever since establishment, Genghopersists its business philosophy of “professionalism, efficiency,responsibility”. Gengho dedicates to energy and environment related scientificresearch and development, engineering construction, operation management andinvestment, financing projects on environmental facilities. Gengho has a numberof remarkable technical achievements in energy saving, environmental protectionand regeneration and recycling technologies. Gengho possesses comprehensivestrengths and qualifications in integrating R&D, design, equipmentmanufacturing, supply of complete set equipment, construction and installation,testing and verification, system operation and EPC (engineering procurementconstruction). Gengho has a professional and technical team which willcertainly provide you with rich experiences in engineering practices. Theprofessional and pragmatic operation leads to great technologicalcompetence for Gengho. Gengho so far has fiveprofessorate senior engineers, twenty-nine senior engineers, sevenPhDs and dozens of engineers. Nearly 60% of Gengho’s employees have more than10 years working experience in energy saving and environmental protection sectors. As VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) control is puton the agenda by Chinese government in recent years, Gengho has on its owninvented and manufactured the online testing system VOC6s-9000 which is usedfor testing and monitoring VOCs. This product has been launched to the market.The R&D team of Gengho, the scientific research of which has reachedadvanced international standards, positions this product as ‘the most stableGas chromatograph system in China’. In supply chain management process, weadopt global sourcing strategy to get all the parts and accessories needed for manufacturingVOC6s-9000. For some technically strict parts designed by Gengho, we outsourcethe manufacturing to European and American manufacturers in order to get goodquality customized parts. Over a short period of time after VOC6s-9000 series productlaunch, our quarterly growth rater has increased to more than 90%. The producthas won good reputation and acknowledgment from Chinese environmentalprotection bureaus and many well-known customers across the world. Gengho’stesting laboratory has been certified by CNAS (China National AccreditationService for Conformity Assessment), and entitled to use the certification mark CMA. The report issued by Gengho is legallyeffective. So far there’re beyond 2000 projects from 51 fields within Gengho’stesting capabilities. These projects include ambient air and waste gas, waterand waste water, workplace, soil and sediment, solid waste, radiationenvironment, noise and vibration, food, food additives, fruit and vegetablejuice beverage, and sanitation in public places etc. Gengho can provide thetesting and monitoring services related to the monitoring on environmentalprotection of construction project, environmental impact assessment andmonitoring, test and assessment on occupational health, sanitation monitoringin public places, ISO environmentalmanagement system certification, production environment testing, environmentalprotection review of listed companies, and radiation protection and monitoringetc. Gengho’s business involves in almostall industries including petro-chemistry, metallurgy, electronics, lightindustry, city construction, electric power, transportation, national defenseetc. Gengho’s achievements come from the big and medium cities across China.Meanwhile, Gengho begins to extend effort on the overseas environmentprotection and treatment projects of Russia, Miama and Bangladesh. Gengho alsoattaches importance to other international environment market in Vietnam,India, Thailand and Sri Lanka etc. Gengho is maintaining long-term closecooperation with the famous environment protection companies of US, Germany,Japan, Isreal and Denmark etc. We cordially welcome contacts or anyinquiries from any company or individual in energy saving and environmentalprotection sectors. Gengho would dedicate to introduction and achieving largescale promotion and application of advanced energy saving and environmentalprotection technologies and products to China. The sea admits hundreds of rivers forits capacity. We sincerely hope for the concerted efforts with friends from allwalks of life, cultivating energy-saving thought, broadcasting environmentalprotection idea. Let’s unite in a concerted effort to make a green andharmonious home. 热线:400 080 1480(24小时) 电话:029-88403916 传真:029-87632993
  • 何先生
    何先生 经理
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